Being Human has taken some getting used to…
I know to some of you that might sound a bit odd, but up until my early 40’s (I’ll be 50 this year), I truly felt homesick for a place I couldn’t even remember.
There are so many examples I could give to you about how strange I felt in this body and the emotions that came along with it… or that were supposed to come along with it. Yes, I had emotions but they never seemed as strong or as untamed as everyone else around me. I couldn't figure out if something was wrong with me or if something was wrong with everyone else??? Why all the drama?
I found myself ACTING like what I thought was expected in moments of intensity, intimacy, or conflict… wondering, “am I pulling it off? Am I being Human enough?”
I was so busy molding myself into the character I felt was expected or desired from others that I fell deep asleep to my own experience. Which made being in my body an uncomfortable place to be, except for when I was alone.
I loved being alone. I loved having the space to come home to mySelf and just BE, without feeling that I was somehow failing someone’s expectation of me because I wasn’t being Human enough.
I wasn’t being fun enough, sexual enough, loud enough, smart enough, sad enough, assertive enough, honest enough, opinionated enough, emotional enough, talkative enough, affectionate enough, passionate enough (that one really pisses me off and while we’re here)… angry enough.
And so, for many years I wished I could go home. A home that wasn’t in this flesh and bone Human body.
I won’t go into detail about my long, winding journey and evolution of consciousness and awareness, but I will say that I’m finally awake.
And I now absolutely love my Human body. I am in awe of my Human body. I am open to it’s Divine Intelligence and the Divine Potential it holds to alter not only the frequency of myself and this planet but of the entire Universe.
I am honored to be in this dimension as a Human Being created by God and to be in service to God. As I practice the art of surrender daily and moment to moment…
my life, my purpose, my gifts, my love, my vision expands past anything I could have ever dreamed. There is so much more available to us than we know.
All it takes is the willingness and the intention to explore the unknown spaces and dimensions where anything is possible.
My hopes are that by working with me, the precious and powerful Human you are will open itself up to exploring the Multi Dimensional Self of who you are minus all the conditioning, false narratives, and fear.
My hopes are that as we each experience our own Cosmic Transformation and Awakening, we will initiate a healing for humanity that will take us to the New Earth.
Nice to meet you, I’m Yvonne Constancio.
AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine - Austin, TX
Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAcOM)
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
State of Tennessee - Acupuncture License
AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine - Austin, TX
People's Community Clinic - Austin, TX
Seton Topher Community Clinic - Austin, TX
Cureville Folk Music Festival - Kerrville, TX
East Nashville Community Acupuncture, Nashville, TN
Dunn Healthcare Center - Nashville, TN
Kali Yuga Yoga - 200 HR Yoga Teacher Certification Training, Nashville, TN
The Embody Lab - Dr. Scott Lyons
Certified GOATA Coach - Goata Movement Institute