2022 - A Revolution of The Heart: 9D Arcturian Council

This is specifically for those of you who are listening to or reading this message.

For we know that you are the ones that are making the greatest difference in this world. You have opened your hearts, you have done extraordinary healing on yourselves and you are sharing this healing. Not only through your words but though the vibration and frequency of your energy field.

Little do you know what a great impact this has on those around you. Often times, words are not even needed... in the case of healing others, when the energy field that you emit is that of healing frequency.

So even when you feel that you are not making a difference or you are not making an impact with your words, please know that your frequency alone influences the environment in which you move. In which you care of others.

Remember that this frequency is very important as it transforms and alters the environment quite significantly and please know that it doesn’t take much to dramatically alter an environment - when speaking in terms of measurement, any small amount of change within your frequency will result in dramatic differences in the environment.

And this is what we have come to say today, in that you have not just made small adjustments in your frequency - you have been making incredibly large adjustments in your healing and frequency.

This is why at this time, we are accelerating into a new quantum field of healing for the planet, for the collective. This is why there appears to be so much uncertainty still within your systems. This is why we are still seeing people beginning to awaken within themselves and have opportunity to see what doesn’t work any longer... not just able to see this, but able to take action on it as well.

The acceleration that we are speaking of will hold the ability of your hearts to create new systems. New ideas will come forth with clarity. This is a revolution taking place my dear ones.

This is a revolution of the heart. It is expanding more now than ever.

And its important that you continue to operate from this heart space. The most powerful gift a human being has been given is the electro magnetic field of the heart. It informs your body - it impacts and alters the bodies frequency in order to take action, to think clearly, in order to be whole and complete in the gift of life. In the gift of contribution. In the gift of engagement. In the gift of creation.

The heart impacts not just yourself but the environment you move in, the environment in which you create - not just as one but as all.

So our message to you dear ones as you move into this new year is to continue operating from this very powerful heart space. We know that this is a tender and vulnerable space for many humans. It is a space that often times has been deemed as a space to be protected.

But now is the time to drop this protection and allow yourselves to touch each other here. Allow yourselves to see each other from here. Allow yourselves to feel all that the heart has to offer. Even when it is terrifying, even when it out of control. Even when it feels a deep sense of grief.

The heart space has the capacity to hold you through any emotion or feeling. The heart space pumps for you life, breath, water. It is very powerful.

It is not just an organ dear one for your human bodies. It is the power of God within you. Without it, your body dies. It is quite possibly the most magnificent creation in the universe. It has layers of gifts that it offers you. Layers of knowledge, layers of experience. It is infinite in its wisdom.

It is infinite in its capacity to hold you and to CREATE whatever it is that you desire.

So, we honor this heart within your human bodies. Many other beings in other dimensions do not have this heart that humans hold. Not in this way. We have consciousness that is similar to the actions of the heart, but the heart is something only humans can experience.

The heart and its sensations and what it has to offer, only humans can experience.

So, at this time, we ask you to close your eyes. Place your hands over your heart. Give gratitude for the experience that it offers you. For the life that it gives you. And know that this very special gift that you hold within you is what will lead us into the new world.

Stay focused here and allow the heart to lead you.

This is our message for you as you venture into a new year. Where the heart will continue to transform your communities and your planet."

Channeled Guidance by Yvonne Constancio

Yvonne Constancio