This Time Will Pass: 9D Arcturian Council

Hello, this is the 9D Arcturian Council. Thank you for listening to our message today.

We are here to let you know that we are continuing to see incredible improvement in the world in regard to the Awakening and in regard to a rise in consciousness. Now, what you may be seeing on the surface is that things are falling apart, that things don’t make sense right now, that everything is confusing, that there is nothing and no-one to trust, and that everything feels unsafe and uncertain. And while this feels true, this is simply a transitory stage toward something more beautiful and grand - toward something that will end in expansive healing.

And so, right now my Dear Ones, we want you to be instilled with the idea that this is a time that will pass and it is a necessary time in which things are rising to the surface to be cleared. There is healing occurring even amongst the chaos, even amongst the pain.

And so, as we have told you before, we are happy to see the progress of how many hearts are beginning to open, how many wounds are being healed, how many traumas are coming up to the surface to be released, and that the outcry of wrongdoing is getting louder and louder. And, although you may not agree with every single person who is out in protest or who is speaking out on these wrongdoings - this is a necessary step in moving forward toward new creation.

There is much that will need to be dismantled, there is much that will need to be destroyed in order for new creation to be built. This is simply the natural order of things. We request of you to continue going inward to develop your own truth, to continue opening your heart to your own healing because when you heal, you heal all those around you.

You, my dear Humans, do not understand the power of your own frequency and that when you are operating in a higher frequency, you don’t have to do much at all to heal that which is in your presence. It is simply naturally affected by the frequency that you emit.

And so, this is why it is so important for you to continue doing your inner work... to continue going inside yourself… to acknowledge the pain, to acknowledge wounds, to acknowledge traumas and release and heal them.

Right now, is the most important time for all of us to show up in presence. And we cannot be fully present if we are holding onto old stories and old wounds. We cannot create from a clean slate if there are stories that take precedence over the ability to create newly in this NOW moment. And so, it is extraordinarily important for all us to release and heal that which no longer serves us.

And this may sound like a cliche… to say, what no longer serves us… and we understand this. And yet, we need you to breathe and take that in… you really need to discern for yourself, “what is it that is still holding me back? what is it that I’m living in fear of? what is it that brings me anxiety? what is it that hinders me from stepping forward into a new beginning? why do I want to hold on to this story? what use is it? what is the payoff? what is it costing me?”

When you are able to truly see what this story is costing you, it will be easier for you to release it because you will understand fully and clearly without a doubt that which you are holding back from yourself. Because you are the only one doing it, Dear. No one else is controlling your life, no one else is controlling your reality. You are the only one that can provide a space for transformation. It is up to you to discern what needs to be let go of.

And, we are here with love and support to guide you and move you through these transformative stages, both individually and as a collective. You are being hit by an expansive amount of energy right now. There is energy hitting the Earth at this time that is promoting healing.

So, if you have it within you to actually once and for all, release that which no longer serves you and heal your old wounds, this is the time to do it! You are supported now more than ever.

Thank you for bravery, thank you for your courage. It will not be wasted. Your work is going to make a big difference for the World and the Universe at large. We acknowledge you for this and we thank you.

Thank you for listening to this message today. May you have a beautiful day.

This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio


Yvonne Constancio