Sustaining a High Frequency: 9D Arcturian Council
Hello, this is the 9D Arcturian Council.
We can see that there is still so much conflict and confusion within yourselves… within your own heart. It is difficult and challenging to know what is true right now. We understand this. We feel for you in this time that is so difficult to make sense of.
Inside yourselves, there is a part of you that is feeling at peace, there is a part of you that knows that this will pass and that on the other side of this there will be something grand to look forward to… there is something new that is being created… something that is more of a breath of fresh air rather than this darkness that we are experiencing right now.
And while this exists inside you, this truth… there is also a part of you that is quite confused and doesn’t know what to believe anymore. We want to believe that the light will prevail, we want to believe that love will win, we want to believe that what exists on the other side of this has to be wonderful, brilliant, magnificent, beautiful, and brand new.
And yet, there is a part of us that is still only seeing darkness before our eyes. And yes, there is indeed darkness before your eyes. This is a real transformation taking place before your eyes. The only way that we can comfort you now is for you to understand that what is dissolving before your eyes is that which is manipulation and darkness that has had a hold over Earth for many, many years.
And as this darkness dissolves, it is going to try to be louder and louder, it is going to try and grab your attention, it is going to try and cause so much fear and confusion in you so that you are incapable of finding your own wisdom and own truth and power. This is the way this type of darkness works.
And it is quite powerful in its manipulation. But this is not what we want to focus on. We want you to focus on staying centered, maintaining your open hearts, maintaining the truth that is light within you. Sustain this frequency Dear Ones. Sustain it regardless of the circumstances that you see before you. Sustain it knowing that this is the highest power in which you can operate. And that this frequency has the power to transform everything on this planet.
We know that this is a challenging time. We know that your truth is being challenged. We know that it can bring fatigue, it can bring weariness, it can bring sorrow. And yet, the courage you have within yourselves to maintain this knowledge of light… this power of light, is what will bring us through to the other side.
And so today we want you to know that the strength you carry within you is infinite… and the energy it takes to maintain this strength is infinite. It is more powerful than the darkness you see before you. And this darkness appears so great right now because the light inside you is just as great and GREATER.
It is only trying to be loud and powerful against the light that you are shining on it. And it is dissolving. It is not pretty as it dissolves, but it is dissolving.
Please continue to stay centered, please continue to open your hearts… open to the light… carry this light within you at all times. It is a torch that is lighting the way for the entire Earth. Transformations do not happen overnight and they do not happen with a pretty little bow on top.
You yourselves know that as you have gone through transformation… spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental… all of these transformations that humans experience, they are oftentimes not pretty. They are challenging, they are hard. They require strength, they require faith, they require knowing that on the other side - there is light.
It is the same for our collective at this time. The transformation is not pretty, but there is light on the other side. Remember this. Thank you for your courage and your bravery. We are assisting you in ways that you do not know. This will pass. Stay strong and centered Dear Ones.
With all of our love,
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
September 11, 2020