The Frequency Of Presence: 9D Arcturian Council

While we are on the topic of being present in the room, this is something we would like to address again, we would like to address this with all of you because being present is exactly what is needed right now in this time. You must be aware of what is occurring around you and within you.

For when you are present with what is around and within you, you begin to notice that there is not much difference in what is around and what is within you. Because what is within you and around you is one and the same.

Now, we’d like to say that everything in your environment is offering a frequency. Everything in your environment bounces off one another. Everything in your environment interacts and contributes to the frequency of the experience in that moment.

And so, you are constantly adapting and tuning into the frequency that is around you and within you. Whether you know this or not, it is a constant adaptation. It is not just physiological adaptation, but energetic adaption as well.

There are many layers to this adaptation. And so, we ask you to be aware of your presence in an experience. Your presence in an environment. Your presence in an interaction. Because you are drastically and dramatically responsible for what occurs in that moment base on your own frequency.

And when we say that the frequency of the environment is bouncing off one another, we mean everything. We mean the trees, the plants in the room, we mean the person or people in that space, we mean the actual air and water that is between you in the spaces within and around you. This all makes a difference, this all contributes to the experience and reality that you choose to create.

So with presence and awareness, and the power with which you have to create an experience in your moment and in any given interaction is quite divine.

This is our reminder for you today, notice your presence, notice your awareness of this presence. Notice what it creates within and around you. Notice how you dramatically alter any given moment with this awareness.

This is our message for you today.

Thank you for listening, this has been The 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio

November 19, 2022

Yvonne Constancio