Are You Feeling Tired? 9D Arcturian Council
We are seeing that there is an enormous amount of energy moving on the planet and this is causing many to feel tired. And feeling tired is something one should not feel bad about… feeling tired is a natural cycle of the body integrating certain thoughts, healings, energy systems that are being transformed and shifted.
Feeling tired is a natural response to allow for this integration or healing to occur. Feeling tired is also a response to maybe just having a large of emergence of energy or taking action or doing something in regards to creativity or to having an idea in which you brought forth or birthed, so to speak. And so, the natural tendency after a birth is to feel tired; to feel that with enormous effort that just took place, it is time for rest.
So even if you personally have felt that you have not necessarily birthed anything… there is a birthing taking place on the planet as a collective and as Mother Gaia shifts her energy and there are many cycles taking place at this time in which we are emmersing ourselves in the energy of birth and then integrating the energy into our tissues, into our cellular make up, and into the transformation of becoming a new type of being on the planet; a new type of human on the planet.
And this requires rest after these moments of birth. You can equate this to a mother giving birth and needing rest afterward. There is also the period of great connection to that which has been birthed. So when we look at the parallel of mother giving birth, there is a deep deep desire for rest and a deep desire for connection and a nurturing response that occurs. This is also taking place inside you as Mother Gaia shifts and as the energy shifts into these great expansive points and moments of new energies on the planet.
And as we said, the body is integrating these energies - one is required to rest and one is feeling the desire for connection. Deeper connection to oneself, to source, to our friends and family, to our community. Connection to what we are engaging with. “Is this worth my time?”
We are seeing the effects of this shift take place in the result of being more discerning of what we allow ourselves to engage with. And you’re beginning to feel the shifts and the unfulfillment of engaging with things that do not feel worth your time any longer.
Not only does this drain you and has you feel tired (and not in the nurturing like way but in a draining type of tired), in which your energy is sucked out of you… in a way that doesn't feel nurturing but rather in a way that feels like your energy is being sucked away from you. Your creativity is being numbed, your responsiveness is numbed, your motivation is numbed. This type of thing.
This is a different type of tired that is occurring for some of you. And it is because you are feeling the energy shifts occurring within your body that are asking for, that are desiring, that are craving for deeper connection and things that are offering you a deeper connection. So here we are, in a space where we are in a level of discernment - even around our tiredness.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
October 27, 2021