Facing Our Pain Leads To Transformation: 9D Arctuiran Council

The first thing we see when we look upon who will be listening to this message today is a great ball of light. And this light is gold, and it is round just like the sun. And we can see that the sun is feeding you. Feeding your energetic field. Nourishing you, bring you warmth, allowing yourself to be energized for a nourishment that you have been seeking for quite some time now.

Only with this light now, you are accepting the nourishment. You are accepting the impulses that come with this nourishment. You are finding that it is hard or difficult to dismiss these impulses.

And these impulses come in a variety of ways. Everything from caring for your body, hearing the messages of what it needs in this moment. To expressing your self fully, no longer feeling fearful of hiding your truth or hiding what you must share and who you must share it with. No longer accepting that to hold on to pain is what must be done, but rather that you must now feel it, express it and heal it.

Knowing that there is much more to our lives than simply suffering through the dismissal, the suppression of pain. But rather, that we are here to transform our pain and use it in order to strengthen our gifts. And those gifts will be used to then strengthen humanity.

And so what we’re seeing is a nourishment that you are feeding yourselves. That you are coming home to your selves. The many selves of you that exist, not just in your human physical body but beyond in the spirit realm.

You are settling into a knowing that there are many parts of you and that each one of these parts contributes to the moment and the experience you are having now. There is an acceptance around constant shift, change, transformation, acknowledgement of one’s healing. And that healing looks very different from one person to the next.

And there is no judgment, but rather compassion. And a longing to simply be in compansionship with all of those who are in pain. And a longing for companionship for your own pain. Without judgment, criticism, shame.

And so this is a time, where we can sit in a clarity that has been presented to us. And a knowing that just as any form of energy is in constant motion and transformation, so is your pain. So is any dysfunction or imbalance.

Nothing is permeant.

Not even within your human bodies. When you bring awareness to this and acceptance to this … you find that the power here is greater to transform it into the direction of which you wish.

We acknowledge you for your bravery in wanting to face your pain rather than avoid or dismiss it. These are strong callings occurring on the plant for all us now, not just individually, but collectively wishing to actually face our pains. No longer ignoring that which has been screaming for us to look at and to heal fully once and for all.

We simply we want to say well done and to continue your efforts in this healing. Good work is being done in small moments and in every great moments. Each moment, whether small or great, has a significant impact on the planet.

So we remind you, that every moment of awareness and presence toward acceptance and commitment to healing is a step forward into the greater capacity of our hearts.

Thank you for your time today. This has been the 9DAC.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
February 3, 2023

Yvonne Constancio