Loyalty To Love: 9D Arcturian Council

This week we see a need for gentleness. Gentleness with one another. Gentleness with oneself. The waves that you are experiencing recently are there to gently nudge you into a greater awareness. To hold you while you have the courage to step forward and to truly operate under a clearer inner understanding of our capacity to love one another.

These waves of energy, they may create what one may perceive as instability or fear or a sense of losing something known to you. This can be a person or a pattern of behavior. It feels like a loss of sometime familiar, something comfortable.

But as we just told yvonne in her own personal message, your loyalty stands in the possibility of something greater. Where there is no possession of others or things. There isn’t even possession of your behavioral patterns.

There is only being witness to the release of these things. The release often comes with some type of grieving. And so your sadness has you move in and out of this charged energy that is being offered to you. It’s not what we would call a true sadness, but rather the overwhelming experience of your loyalty to love.

Because without this loyalty to love, you would not continue to make steps forward into what we are calling the greatest transformation on Earth.

So with this sadness, there are these ups and downs that you may feel cause some sort of regression in your emotional intelligence, or regression in the healing work that you are doing. There is no such thing.

But rather, it’s a contact with the overwhelming presence of your movement toward the freedom from our hold on people, things or our patterns that cause us pain or suffering.

The things that have tried or attempted to keep us safe.

As we release these things, we begin to feel quite raw, quite tender, sensitive, without our armor, maybe picturing a fruit without its’ skin. Suddenly we are exposed. And we aren’t yet used to this on the Earth plane.

And so sometimes, in our courage to step forward, in this rawness, we will also feel the need or want to step back, to resist, to be fearful of this much capacity for complete honesty and unconditional love for ourselves and for others and for any experience we may be going through.

We’re in the throes of an energy that is requiring us to integrate. That is requiring us to go deeper to find the true Source that lives within us. And to operate from here, but that will not come without grieving what we have always known ourselves to be… coupled with the overwhelming awareness that love and compassion can be so much greater than we have yet experienced on this Earth plane.

So be gentle with yourselves as we said before. This is the time to be gentle with yourselves and others as we move in and out of this integration period.

This is our gudance for you today, dear ones. May you have a blessed day.

This has been 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
August 19, 2022

Yvonne Constancio