Potent August Energies: 9D Arcturian Council
The first thing we are seeing is that there are many of you who are distressed right now. Many of you are feeling the impact of the changes occurring on the Earth. And when we say changes, we do not just mean what you can see happening before you, but also what is occurring in the energetic field of the Earth plane. There is so much going around you that it would difficult to comprehend.
The energies that are occurring at this moment are quite intense. And they are not just happening for the Earth plane, they are happening for the entire Universe. So, as you can imagine, just as there is what can be perceived as chaos occurring on the Earth plane at this time… that same energy is being played out throughout the entire Universe.
We are all being tested at this time, we are being subject to intense energetic changes.
We are being impacted by these energetic shifts. And one fo the things that we are responsible for during these shifts is our choice. And when we say our choice, we mean who are you choosing to be as you experience yourself now in this now moment.
So, as you begin to experience the shifts of the energetic plane, you also get presented with choice.
Because as you begin to experience different sensations perhaps, or different ideas, or different anxieties, different fears, perhaps… they begin to open up to you in a new way - in which you begin to perceive things differently, know things differently, sense things differently.
As all of this begins to open up - you begin to be presented with choice.
And choice brings with it the potential for all possibility. For evolution to take place.
What is needed when you are making choice is awareness. There is a choice to be made.
Often times, as humans, you skip over the important detail of choice. As reactions take hold of you, you unconsciously play out behavior without the moment and awareness of choice.
So, with awareness comes the potential for all possibility. Because within your awareness, you are able to see and recognize that there is choice in how you respond. And how you respond leads you to the next potential or possibility.
These energy shifts are providing you opportunity to expand your awareness. To expand and explore potential for sensations, knowing, and evolution of your consciousness.
Some of you have been working on this for many years. Some of you are more comfortable exploring this territory. For some of you, it may be quite challenging to be able to pause in order to bring in awareness so that you can make a choice of who you want to be in this now moment.
All of us will be impacted by these shifts, regardless of where we are in our level of awareness. There is always more growth to be had. There is always more potential.
There is always potential and possibility before us to be created.
Right now, these shifts are providing you with the very potent possibility for truly honing the skill of awareness and choice.
So, if you have been one who has replayed the same narrative over and over and over and over again. Resulting in the same outcomes or expectations, disappointments, pain, confusion, blockages - then we ask you to truly come to your center and simply pause before your unconscious behavior has a chance to express itself.
Pause. This is the word that is most important in order to make choice. In order to be aware of what choice you will make.
Pause. Take a breath. Take a step back.
And in each moment, choose, who do I want to be - because right now, the energies are offering you the chance for stepping a new narrative. Stepping into the opportunity to create newly and truly, firmly plant this within yourself.
To know yourself deeper. To know yourself at a level that you have not known yourself yet.
We are accelerating quite quickly now, which means that when you make a choice, it is potent. The potency of your choice will reflect or be demonstrated quite quickly for you. There can not be doubts and there can not be a longing to hold on to your old narrative.
This is a time for true transformation and the courage to do so.
This is what we would like to share with you today. Thank you so much for listening to our message. This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
August 24, 2023