SMILE: 9D Arcturian Council


This is the first word that comes to us as we explore what you would most benefit from in this time and in this moment. And what we’re seeing is that often times, the body has patterns and postures… Yvonne is learning of this now, actually and this is why we bring this up today because she has an experience of understanding this today and so we feel that through this experience, she is now able to fully embody the understanding of this concept and can better transmit the frequency of what we will share with you today.

And so, what we are going to share with you today is the discovery or the exploration of certain body patterns that you hold… yes? And so we ask you to look at the facial expressions that you hold. Are you one that tends to hold a pattern of worry? Or sadness? Or anxiousness? Or fear? Are you one that tends to hold a body pattern, a muscle memory of disappointment? Or a sense of wanting to hide? Maybe this is shyness? Do you look down? Do you hold your body in a hunched over manner?

We ask you to look, to examine, to explore, to be curious about your postures. The patterns of your posture, the patterns of facial expressions when you are not consciously aware. For these body patterns, these postures… they inform your brain of past experience perhaps that you are holding.

And when this posture informs your brain of a past experience through a muscle memory, it believes that you are still there and then this causes the present moment to possibly recreate a past experience. This is done subconsciously. And then what we have is indeed the recreation of past experience. Without your awareness of it.

So, today, because of Yvonne’s class and teaching, we feel it’s very important for you to know as well. We ask you to look at your body patterns and postures and see… how is this impacting my life? How is this impacting my present moment? Do I show up with a scowl on my face?

When I meet someone newly, is there an expression of fear perhaps or shyness? And what would happen if I were to smile without any preconceptions of this moment in this time?

What would happen if I were to smile when I first awaken for the day? What would happen if I were to smile in a moment of discomfort?

How would this affect me? How would this shift my inner landscape? How would this then shift the external environment. How would this shift my relationship to another? How would this create openness, acceptance for myself and another?

The body is a powerful tool and it is designed to offer you opportunity to expand and grow and know yourselves deeply. For when you tap into the deeper aspects of yourself, you begin to tap into that of the higher consciousness and to God.

The purity of this design that causes you to breathe and live here right now in this moment. It is a design of beauty. It is powerful beyond your awareness. Beyond all of our awareness… even in the higher dimensions. It is beyond that of which we could comprehend. Although, we feel at times, we may be getting closer and closer to this understanding.

So, today we ask you to smile.

Try this on. Try it on and see what shifts occur for you.

Thank you for taking this time to listen. We acknowledge you and we appreciate your time.

Thank you.
This has been the 9D Acrturian Council

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio

May 12, 2022

Yvonne Constancio