Taking Action on Intuitive Impulses: 9D Arcturian Council

Hello, this is the 9D Arcturian Council and we are pleased to speak with you today!

Now, we are quite excited at this time, because we are seeing things unfold for all of you and we are seeing that you are truly waking up to your greatest potential. And this is a beautiful moment for many of you, especially if you are one who is listening to this - then you are naturally drawn to this particular conversation because you are indeed one who plays a role of anchoring this very powerful light here on the Earth plane.

And so, what we would like to start out with today is first thanking you, of course, for your work and your courage and your persistence in anchoring this light and doing this light work that is very important at this time on this planet.

And so, what we see here is that there has been a major grand shift that has occurred. And you may not believe it, however, we are here to tell you that the timeline has shifted. And it is indeed going towards a more positive experience. So, what we would like you to know is that your work is impacting the Earth on a grand level and so, what you are discovering about yourselves is that you are quite powerful and this is beautiful because this is opening a portal along the Earth plane.

Now, this is a difficult concept to discuss at this time, however, we want you to know that as each of you wakes up, upgrades your DNA, listens to the messages occurring within you - that are guiding you towards a new consciousness, that are guiding you towards new behavior and actions - that you are indeed all powerfully opening up a new portal. This portal will guide others to open up themselves.

So this is again, a difficult concept to understand as a human form, however, you are beginning to open yourselves to these types of thoughts and concepts - and so, we would like you to understand that when you continue to explore yourselves beyond the reality you can see before you and move toward the inner experience of yourselves - the body experience is actually quite powerful in providing you communication and information from beyond.

Your body is an important vessel and this vessel is used to connect with that beyond you. So, right now, my dear ones, it’s very important for you to continue to do this inner work - where you are beginning to uncover and discover these layers to you that you were unaware of… this is happening on a global level. We know that you live in the United States and we know that at this time, there is a lot of commotion going about - there is a lot of what could appear as chaos/things falling apart.

Now, we need you to remember, that this transition - as all transitions have - it must have this idea of destruction before building newly - before creation. And so, this is simply the law of nature. This is simply the way things must progress in order for something new to be created. And we know that it is a challenging time, but please be aware that this pain that you are experiencing (so to speak) on the Earth plane - it is necessary in order to break through to this new creation we are speaking of.

And so, yes, as you are aware of the pain you are experiencing - it is within this pain that you will be able to explore that which must be challenged, that which must be changed or transformed, that which must be broken in order to create something new.

We know that you go through phases of fatigue. We understand this. This is something you must allow yourself to experience and again, this is simply just the natural way of a progression towards a transformation. You will go through major growth spurts in which you will feel a sense of clarity, freedom, and liberation from that which causes you pain, and then you will feel depleted once again as you go through another contraction or calibration as we like to say it towards another expansion. So yes, this can bring fatigue.

And this is something, dear ones, that will never end for you. This is what it means to exist. It is naturally going to occur for us always as this contraction, expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction, expansion transformation - this is simply the way that it is. And so, right now, we can see as a collective that you are actually occurring in an expansion phase.

And what we mean by this is that there is an opening at this time in which you feel a little bit of fire, a little bit of energy, a little bit of “let’s do this! I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see or sense this beautiful expansion that has the potential to be created, and so let’s create this because I am tired of what has occurred prior to this - this is a bunch of BS (so to speak). This doesn’t work, and now it’s the time - I have the courage, I have the knowledge, I have the power, I have the voice now to speak up for that which now must be created because this doens’t work anymore - it’s unacceptable.”

And the reason why it’s unacceptable now, my dear ones, is because your DNA is continually being upgraded. - it is continually being injected, so to speak, with a new level of consciousness, and as this consciousness rises, you begin to have the power to speak up - you begin to have the power to take action on that which will be newly created.

And so, this will begin to happen for many of you, and right now, as we said is a time of energy. So, although you will most likely come to another phase of fatigue - at this time, we encourage you to use the energy that you have to speak up, to create, to project yourselves and your ideas. To collaborate, to begin the projects that you think about - the ideas that you have within you. These seeds that you have, my dear, are the impulse that you must follow at this time. So do this now and we will continue to assist and guide you.

And we would like to say to you, once again, that we are so grateful to you and we offer our unconditional love at all times. And once again, thank you my dear ones, and may you have a beautiful day! Go out and enjoy the sun - go out and allow it to energize you and also when it is time for rest, - allow yourself to rest.

This has been the 9D Arctruian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio

September 30, 2020

Yvonne Constancio