The Importance of Rest at This Time: 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings, this is the 9D Arcturian Council.

What a world wind you are currently experiencing. And we know that although it seems to be quite crazy, upside down - and in a world where people are quite eager to attack one another, quite eager to express their opinions strongly and in a world where it appears that all is broken and how will we ever get some sense of normalcy… we would like you to know that the normalcy you seek will not be of that of which you have known in the past.

This “normalcy” is indeed falling away… we do not say this frighten you. We say this to empower you. We say this to activate within you the strength, the courage, the deep inner wisdom you hold. For within deep inside you, you know that the way the world operates does not work for the greatest good of all. In fact, it does quite the opposite. It only benefits a small portion of society.

It is now time to look within your hearts, and rather than fight for a system that never worked… fight for a system that is beneficial for EVERY person. For you are much more than your appearance. You each hold and carry a light. And when this light is manipulated… this light is dimmed and you are not truly capable of living out your fullest potential.

And so what we find remarkable, is that many of you are still unable to see that the tearing down of these systems is NOT to be against you… it is to be of the greatest benefit for you. So that you may move forward, operating fully from your hearts…. operating fully from your highest selves… connecting and understanding that each of you carry a power that you have forgotten.

And so it will take great courage, great strength and a fight to withstand… to build a new world.

We know that you feel fatigue, you feel tired, you feel crazy and you feel pulled in many directions…. and we also know that deep within you, you KNOW that what is occurring will lead us to a New Earth, a new way of being, a new way of operating on this planet, a new way of connection with one another.

Our only guidance today is to ask you to REST.

Yes, REST.

Seems very simple, doesn’t it? Little do you understand that the simple act of resting is what enables you to be fully present. And when we say rest, this does not necessarily mean sleeping. This means resting the heart, the soul and the mind. And yes, of course, resting the body.

But this can be done by going for a walk. Allowing the frequency of nature to infuse within your cells. So that you can REMEMBER who you are.

This can be sitting in front of a fire and allowing yourself to be taken away from time, away from worry. Again, allowing the element of fire to infuse into every cell of your body. Perhaps you sit near the ocean… the same will occur. Perhaps you sit out on your porch and watch the rain fall… the same will occur. Perhaps you listen to the birds… the same will occur.

For you see, the elements and the animals are constantly offering their gifts to you… offering their knowledge… offering their portals of healing.

So, yes our greatest advice to you at this time is to rest. For it is through this rest, you will connect with your Higher Self and with Source Energy, God. And this will allow you to expand into a space where fear is not possible, worry is not possible, anxiety is not possible.

The light is around you, my Dear Ones. Allow yourself to sense it. To merge with it. To allow it move within and all around you.

This is all we would like to share with you today. Thank you for your time. May you have beautiful rest of your day.

This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, 10/28/20

Yvonne Constancio