Cause For Celebration: 9D Arcturian Council
Greetings, we are the 9D Arcturian Council and today we would like to congratulate you on this idea that you are beginning to form within yourselves. This idea of a new beginning and when we say “new beginning,” we do not necessarily mean externally outside of yourselves… we actually are referring to a new beginning that is occurring within yourselves.
This is a cause for celebration. Because this is an act of bravery, an act of expansion, an act of connection, compassion and the idea of pure love.
Now, this is still externally a time of upheaval. But what you are finding is a sense of yourselves that has a knowing that we are beginning to uncover the idea of neutrality… of compromise, of compassion.
What we are seeing right now, is a breath. And what we mean by this is that there has been an opportunity provided to you for a breath to be taken. For a moment or a glimpse to be seen where you can choose your reaction… your response. This moment feels or has the energy of that of respite.
So many of you have been wound up, wired in fear… in worry… in uncertainty… in “what will happen, I don’t know? Will we be cared for? Will we be saved?”
And the truth of the matter is that there is nothing outside of yourselves that can save you or offer you certainty. Know this must be done for yourselves within yourselves. You must cultivate an inner wisdom that holds a frequency in which you know yourselves truly and purely and powerfully regardless of the circumstances that are before you.
And so, this breath of fresh air that you are experiencing in this moment - we want you to remember that this is a breath that is always accessible to you… regardless of any outcomes.
Hold on to this… cultivate this… dig in to THIS. Remove the addiction to worry and fear… to being right… to having to have things go a certain way in order for you to feel happiness. You are responsible for your own happiness… your own sense of security… your own sense of safety.
There is no where else to look but within yourselves. And so, as we leave you today, with this message… we would like you to remember this experience of relief. This experience of a breath… of expansion… for this was always possible for you… this was always accessible to you.
It’s always been a choice.
We hope this brings you comfort today, and we are please to watch as everything unfolds for you and the collective… for this is a journey that is magnificent in it’s process… in its unfolding. And we are always here to support through this incredible transformation taking place on the planet at this time.
Thank you very much for your time, this has been the 9D Arcturian Council
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, November 10,2020