Unplugging to Nourish The Nervous System: 9D Arcturian Council
Greetings, this is the 9D Arcturian Council.
And today we would like to share a message with you… as we take a look at who may be listening to this transmission, we are able to see specifically what is needed at this time for your assistance. And in this moment, what we see is some fatigue growing among you.
Fatigue of once again, here we are… trying to make sense of the world, trying to make sense of what is true, trying to hang onto to some type of hope that things will get better, and yet we keep finding ourselves in this cycle of worry and this cycle of fear.
We keep being pushed, so to speak into uncertainty. And yes, this is true… there are forces among you that try to keep you inside a cycle of fear, worry, and uncertainty. You can see this simply by looking at your television.
After one chaotic moment, another is birthed!
So, while we were once worried about one thing that has somewhat resolved - now, we are worrying about another thing. Now there is something else to fear, now there is something else to be uncertain about… the cycle continues.
And so, now is the most important time for you to really center yourselves, to really dig into the wisdom of your hearts, to FEEL the truth that stands within you. For this is a truth that cannot be messed with, this is a truth that cannot falter… that cannot be swayed.
It cannot be manipulated. When you stand firmly inside this, you have the capacity and capability of seeing very clearly what is honorable, what is not - what is of integrity, what is not - what is operating out of a love frequency, what is not.
And then, what occurs from here is the capability of simply choosing not to be at the affect of something that is operating out of a fear-based, dark based, no integrity-based operation. For this is all it is - is an operation.
And what we mean by this is, that there are always light and dark forces operating at the same time in every now moment. There must be dark to experience the light. And there must be light to experience the dark. They are always operating within and among each other.
However, fear and worry… this type of operation, this type of manipulation - this type of control, so to speak that tries to manipulate your feelings, your choices, your authority, own sense of inner wisdom - when this is at play, this is a little bit of a different story.
So, what we mean is that there is absolutely a natural operation of dark and light within each being and in the world. This is natural - this is part of life. This is how we learn and grow. This is how we expand and contract. This is how we open ourselves to greater understanding and dive into the depth of what it means to be alive.
However, the forces we are speaking of do not operate out of the natural idea of growth. No, these are forces that would like for you to actually be disconnected from this natural state of being and instead be under a veil, so to speak of control and manipulation.
And so, once again here we are - watching it unfold, watching them try to be in control - watching them want to have you be in fear and worry so that you are disconnected from your own natural state, your own truth, your own understanding of love and harmony.
And so, today’s message, my Dear Ones, we want to remind you that you MUST take breaks from this. That you MUST turn off the television. That you must be hypervigilant of the persuasion into fear and worry. This is not necessary and it is not good for your nervous systems.
The planet is undergoing a grand transition. The Earth itself is changing its vibration.
It is rising and it is causing a rise in your own consciousness. However, if you stay glued to the television and if you stay glued and addicted to those who are trying to disconnect you from this - then this rise in consciousness will go much slower for you, it will be much harder, it will not be of ease and it will not feel joyful.
And so, we encourage you to be in nature, rather than watch the television. We encourage you to be in meditation, rather than watch the television. We encourage you to speak with those you love, rather than watch the television. We encourage you to move your bodies so that you can find yourselves and so that you can center yourselves and connect with your hearts.
This is very important at this time in this very moment. Make this a priority, my Dear Ones. Choose to disconnect from anything that feels as if it is trying to persuade you into fear and worry.
We understand there are things to take care of on the Earth. There are things that need to be addressed. But this does not have to be done with fear and worry. This can be done with love, compassion, truth, and harmony. And in fact, is much more powerful when done this way.
And so, today’s message is to be in nature, to be in silence, to be in movement, to be in love.
Thank you for everything you are doing… it is a bumpy ride and we know that it is a challenging time. But thank you for being on the Earth plane at this time to accomplish a feat that is magnificent, grand, and historical.
We offer you our great gratitude and love. This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, November 13, 2020