A Message on Trust: 9D Arcturian Council
Greetings, this is the 9D Arcturian Council. Thank you for being with us today and for opening your hearts in a manner in which you are open to receiving messages from us… an Inter-dimensional Being that you can not see or experience for yourself.
This takes a great amount of faith and trust and courage to be open to the idea there are other Beings outside of the Earth plane. And so first, we would like to thank you for taking the time to listen to our messages and second, to have the courage to trust in our existence.
Today’s message, my Dear Ones… we want to emphasize this idea of trust. There is a lot occurring on the Earth plane at this time and there are about to be many more shifts taking place. Not to worry, as all these shifts are indeed moving humanity in a positive direction and in the direction of a New Earth in which all of you will be able to experience life on Earth in a whole new different realm of existing… one in which you are able to prioritize the greatest good for all.
Now, there are many of you who already do so. And yet, as a collective there are still many egos at play in which there is this idea that control and power is what’s needed in order to encourage others to follow them or to be a leader in attracting and deciding what the greatest good for all is.
This will no longer be the case. Egos will not play the greater role here any longer. The truth, harmony and love that exists within your hearts… THAT is what will be of utmost importance now. THAT is what will carry the New Earth. THAT is what will encourage new ideas and new creations.
And so, what we want to say is that we are asking you to carry a great amount of trust at this time. Trust that what you see before you or what you believe to be disruptive or destructive in its appearance is actually that which will take you down the path of creation.
And we would like to remind you that you are all co-creators of this Earth. And that what one heart believes, one heart feels is powerful enough to encourage and alter ALL hearts around them. This not only changes the external environment… this is actually creating an internal evolution within you. We call this the Conscious Evolution. Your DNA is altering. It is shifting into a new way of operating.
So yes, our biggest message today is for you to have trust that it is definitely occurring within you. And that as a collective, this is occurring for all of you. Trust that there is a planetary shift happening and that you are a part of it. In fact, it is because of you that it is happening.
Celebrate your courage, celebrate your bravery, celebrate your strength and enjoy this time. For it will pass and you will look back on it as a historical time in which you contributed your own unique frequency to this beautiful transition on the Earth plane.
Again, we want to thank you for your time, your faith and your trust. We love you dearly. We support you always. May you have a beautiful day.
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, November 27, 2020