Your Body Is A Divine Instrument: 9D Arcturian Council
Greetings, this is the 9D Arcturian Council.
And we are pleased to connect with you today. Our message for you today is that there is much happening on the Earth, as you know and are very aware of… and if you have followed our messages prior, you are very aware of this message indeed.
We would like to remind you, as we have just reminded Yvonne, that being on the Earth plane carries with it an immense amount of density. A heaviness. And this being the Earth school that it is… what you are here to learn is that you are to move through this density, to transmute it, to transform it, to learn from it, to expand from it… and that the physical instrument of your body is indeed quite a Divine instrument to be used as a tool to connect with that beyond you.
So as you go through this new transition on Earth, which is definitely an energetic, planetary transition that will change you and the collective as a whole… as well as the Universe at large.. as you go through this transition, remember that your body IS a Divine instrument. It is electric. It is energy.
And it has been Divinely created in order for you to have access to the many dimensions that exist beyond this 3 Dimensional existence. Now, for many years, the Earth plane has lived in a 3D existence… this means that it was very easy for your bodies to absorb heaviness, to absorb darkness, sadness; to absorb negativity and to want to maintain it and stay here… to carry it. Even heaviness that you are not aware of… you are still carrying within your body tissues.
Up until now, for the body… it was very natural to be drawn to these types of things. This transition that is occurring now, energetically… is going to be an opportunity for your bodies to finally release these things… it will no longer be drawn to this, because the energetic Light being poured into you at this time is actually lightening the body… it is providing information to access and unlock your DNA… which has always been there, because this is a Divine instrument that was created and designed to operate on many layers and levels of existence….
it’s just that in this 3D existence… in this Earth school, part of your lesson was to learn how to transmute and transform heavy, dark energy. To learn from experience, emotion; to expand from a contraction state.
Now, you are poured with a Light energy that is lifting this heaviness off of you. Your bodies will no longer be drawn to holding onto or absorbing dark energy. It will now be drawn to being uplifted, to expand, to see greater visions beyond yourselves. Visions that will be for the greatest good. Visions that will be of your hand extending out to help others. This will be what your bodies will be drawn to.
Your minds will also change. Your minds will be much more neutral. Your minds and hearts will be flooded with love. And it will be very odd to not follow this sensation. Whereas before, the density on the Earth plane had you be drawn more to suffering, insecurity and inaction.
For years now, you have allowed someone else to take the power. Because you were afraid that you did not have the power within yourselves to create that which you desired. So, you said, “here you take it… you create this.”
You’ve done this with relationship, with jobs, with the government… you’ve done this with many aspects of your life. Now is the time to reclaim this power. And you’ll find that it will be effortless. Because as we’ve said, this Light is lifting you up out of the heaviness. And your bodies, your DNA, your mind, your hearts… will no longer be drawn to stagnation, inaction, suffering.
It will be drawn in the other direction… of love, harmony, truth, cooperation, collaboration, creation.
So we request that you be very in tune with what is happening in your bodies at this time. They are shifting, they are transforming. They are unlocking and they are offering your access to a new way of Being. They are Divine instruments that are aiding you in this time.
Take very good care of your body. Drink plenty of water, eat well, sleep and allow yourself rest. And most importantly, follow the messages of joy… follow the messages of your heart. This will make all the difference in the world for you.
Thank you for listening. We are so happy for you.
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, December 3, 2020