Have Grace For Yourself: 9D Arcturian Council

Greetings, this is the 9D Arcturian Council.

And we would like first to say thank you so much for being with us tonight. We know that there are plenty of others things to do… things to take care of and things to address, and so we know when you take the time to read our messages, we are very grateful to you for allowing us to enter your space for one…. and secondly, allowing us to take time that you feel is of benefit to you. This is very important to us… that you feel there is value around this. That there is something that comforts you or opens you, or aids you in some way. This is what we are working towards always. So, thank you.

Now, as we get to a message for you today… and take a look at who will be reading this message… we want to specifically touch those of you who are reading this and what you are currently experiencing. So, let’s take a moment to look at this.

Yes, so what we see right now is actually quite an abundance of love. Quite an opening happening right now. An experience of an expansion. Now, you are very aware that this has been sort of ebbing and flowing, going up and down and all around for you. This experience… this transformation.

One day you feel quite elated… the next you feel confused and lost. This is very normal when you are going through a transition. You will be drawn to the addictions of the past. This is very normal and very common for the human. For you have developed certain neuropathways that are wired in a way that cause you to be addicted to emotional responses, reactions, ways of being.

And so, it’s important at this time to allow yourself to have the grace of falling back sometimes. Because what we actually see is a great amount of love for yourselves occurring now… and a great amount of patience for others who are going through their own transformation.

This is a beautiful moment. This is actually quite advanced…. what we see occurring now within you. And so, we want to congratulate you for this cultivation of love, for this ever expanding idea of compassion and patience around a very challenging transition.

You continue to show up for yourselves, and you continue to show up others. Trying to create a space in which we can all heal. Trying to create a New Earth… or at least a pathway toward this New Earth… which is still unknown to you. We want to thank you for your faith and your courage for taking steps towards this unknown.

We want to congratulate you for this expansion you are experiencing. And again, to not feel that you are failing if you fall back just a little bit…. for that’s all it is, just a little bit.

And then you step forwardd again and you learn and you experience something new for yourself. And this causes you keep moving forward. So, continue doing this. Continue having grace for yourself…. even when you feel you are not moving forward or you are moving backward… for the truth is you never truly moving backward… you are only moving towards growth always.

This is our message for you today. May you take comfort in this. And my you take comfort in knowing that we are here for you. We are supporting you. and we love you deeply.

This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, December 7, 2020

Yvonne Constancio