Lesson on The Purity of Love: 9D Arcturian Council

Good afternoon, this is the 9D Arcturian Council. And Yvonne has called us on us today to offer a message to those who will be listening or reading this message, this transmission of love and gratitude. And we know that this is a special day for humans… this day of Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and it is usually a day that you are gathered with your families and we know that for many of you - you will not be doing this this year.

But what we would like to remind you is that what hopefully this year has brought to you is an understanding that you are not separated from anyone or anything that you love.

We hope that this year has helped you discover this incredible gift you carry within yourselves… to carry a frequency in which you are actually connected with one another always. And so this frequency you carry within yourselves that expands and reaches out miles, miles, miles and miles… it is never separated from those you love.

You hold one another dearly, and regardless of not being with one another physically… you are capable of impacting and altering the energy frequency surrounding those you love in a millisecond. Should you intend so.

And so we would like you to know… that if you were unable to see your family today, physically… that you can sit with yourself in silence as well as, move around your home and create a joy for yourself, a peace for yourself that will expand to those you love, that will reach those you love, that will alter those you love. We can do this at any time… as long as we are consciously moving and thinking with intention. This intention is powerful.

This sort of antennae that we broadcast to the world and to those we love is the most powerful thing we have access to… and you are beginning to learn this about yourselves and your bodies. You are beginning to understand that there is a frequency you can cultivate inside yourselves that is greater any power outside of yourselves.

This tool that your body carries, this frequency is what connects you to your Higher Self, to God, to your Spirit Guides, to your Loved Ones (passed or alive), to your pets, to your past lives… because Dear Ones, time and space is not what you perceive it to be in this 3D physical Earth plane. No, it is much more expansive and far reaching than you can imagine at this time.

And so use your frequency of love to reach those that you cannot be with in this moment. Because this is a power that truly does create a beautiful light - not just for those you direct it to, but for those who surround them and who surround you.

And so never fear or be saddened that you cannot be near a loved one. We understand that this is challenging for the human… absolutely, it is always a pleasure to be with those you love. To be able to hug them, to be able to feel them against your own skin, to be able to see into their eyes, to be able to hear their voice… but we want to remind you that the love and light you carry for them can never be broken.

It is a part of you, just as you are a part of them.

And so we ask that you try not to be sad, but if you must… please allow it to move through you with grace. And we suggest that you go for a walk and you remember who you really are, for nature will inform you of this. Know that you are not alone. Know that you are loved and know that you are not separated… you are held in Light always.

Soon, this will all be over and you will truly have gratitude for what you learned during this time. You will find that the love that you perhaps could not see before… has grown and amplified because of the distance. Because you were given a chance to truly tap in to the love you carry within you.

So, see the lessons that are available to you here. Hold gratitude for them. And we will transition through this challenging time… coming out the other side with a lesson of the purity of love.

This is our message for today, thank you.

This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio, December 24, 2020

Yvonne Constancio