Exciting News About The Energy At This Time: 9D Arcturian Council
This is an excellent time for you to look within. This is a very powerful time for you to finally clear out any misconceptions about yourself or others. Here is the time available to you, now to clear old stories. This is the time now to create from a blank slate. So, any experience that you may have had in the past, we ask you now, to look at it as if it were a dream.
As if it was a possible storyline, but now the story line has been rewritten. We looked at what was possible, and now we choose a new story. We choose a new trajectory, we choose a new creation of this story. A
What we’re seeing is that you are now being given the energy in which you can transform these stories. Not only this, you may be noticing that you are bored with these stories. That they no longer interest you. That you begin to fall into the trap of one of these stories and you say, “hold on, what am I doing? What is happening here? I don’t carer about that anymore. That seems so old. How did that even ever get me so much into a frenzy before? How did I let it impact me so much before?”
This is the energy you have available to you now to transform all old stories that no longer allow you to live with an open heart.
And this is exciting news!
Because with this energy, we see the greatest turn around in all of humanity’s history!
When you finally get to start from a blank slate, where stories no longer hold you back, where your struggle is not based on a past experience. Where you get to rebirth yourself, reinvent yourself, redesign your life. Redesign your own cellular make up. You get choose you Be in the world.
You get to stand on your own two feet and say this is what I stand for.
And I do it with an open heart, with compassion and loyalty to love. That is where my loyalty lies.
And so if there is something that comes into my life, into my world, and it is not of love, I will not take part in that. And if I am tempted to make a choice that is not of love, I will not take part in that.
What a beautiful time this is. So many of you are awakening at this time… that the brightness coming off of the earth plane at this time from your souls, from your cells, from the energy felds around your bodies is so bright now.
It is a light that is contagious. It is a light that is healing not just yourself but so many around you. Each one of you turning on like a switch.
And when this light gets sooo bright and expansive… those who do not operate in the brightness of this light will no longer be able to live or operate in the frequency which does not match this light.
So we give praise to you Dear Ones, for doing the work. We give praise to you, Dear Ones for the transition that is upon you and all that you have done up until this point to cause the grand transformation on the Earth plane at this time.
This does not only impact you, it impacts the universe and so many others who are watching your progress at this time. Who are watching you take the courageous steps toward a New Earth.
So when all seems as if nothing is happening, and nothing is changing, and nothing is truly transforming, we are here to remind you that that is not true. Everything is transforming. Everything is changing. It is harder for you to see it because you are right smack dab in the middle of it.
So we acknowledge your work. We acknowledge your strength. We acknowledge your courage. And we acknowledge the light that is shining within you brighter and brighter each day.
Thank you. So much gratitude for you.
This is the message that we would like to share with you today.
Thank you for listening.
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
October 28, 2022