A Message On Patience: 9D Arcturian Council
Patience is the word that comes up this week. Patience is the word we see and what see is that there is a lack of patience.
A lack of patience in your lives, a lack of patience in your growth, a lack of patience in your desires to see the world fulfilled in a new way. We are all waking up to this new calling and so, with this calling comes a sense of urgency. And this is beautiful and yet, on Earth time still moves a bit slower than our soul expects with awakening, because the soul is used to moving so much quicker and has the experience of simply thinking and having something be.
Using the mind to manifest things quite quickly. Using consciousness, we should say.
Now, we want to remind you that all of you are doing the work just as you should. There is a path that you are taking, there is a journey that you are on. And on this journey, and on this path there are certain stops that you must encounter.
And we don’t mean “stop” as something that stops you. But rather, certain lessons along the way that you must encounter so that you can fulfill on the things you wish to clear, the things that you wish to release, the things you wish to heal in order to be able to hold the frequency in which you are headed.
There is a frequency down the road that you will all hold that will fulfill the mission that you came here to do, which is assist in the transformation of this Earth.
During this lifetime.
You may find that hard to believe. But again, we ask you to be patient. And we ask you to continue looking at yourself. Not on what is out there. Not on what someone is not doing. Not on what you are not seeing yet.
But rather, on the transformation within yourself. Focus on this.
There are many of you who want to skip steps. Who want to jump to something that you are not ready for. On the Earth plane, there are certain layers to healing, there are certain layers to allowing yourself to be ready for the capacity of a greater frequency to hold.
If you were to jump into this frequency right away, it would not work. You are not ready for it. There are things you must release, things you must heal, there are things you must observe about yourself before you are able to hold the frequency at which you will then be able to assist in the transformation of the planet.
It is happening, and we want to remind you of this.
But again, we ask you not to look outside yourselves, but rather focus on your personal healing, your internal journey. This will assist the planet. This will have things move faster and quicker along the transformation to New Earth.
Great things are occurring for you and the planet at this time. Many of you will be contributing to the change of the planet, but again we ask you to be patient.
And we ask you to have integrity with the steps you take forward.
Knowing that when you have completed a step, that within yourself, you know it’s time to take the next step. Not to look good, not for external appearances but rather for the healing of your own heart, the healing of your own soul and the fulfillment of what your soul desired for you to experience in this lifetime.
Have reverence for what your soul has planned for you.
And while it may not be set in stone, it is up to you on how you fulfill on the plan. It can be a long and arduous road to fulfill on or it can be a surrendering to the lesson.
This is what we would like to share with you today. Thank you for your time. Thank you for listening to these messages. May have you have a beautiful rest of your day.
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
October 21, 2022