Where Are You Resisting Ease: 9D Arcturian Council

Can you move with ease? Can you find ease in your actions? Can you move in a manner in which you feel fully yourself? Where nothing is abandoned and nothing is lacking. Where everything is fully expressed in that moment. Where the capacity to BE is easeful. Where the capacity too BE does not require effort, but naturally IS.

Can you move with ease? This is what we would like for you to experience or to discover for yourself.
This is what we would like for you to play with this week.

Where is the ease in things that you already enjoy doing? Can you get lost in this ease? Can you get lost in the joy and the comfort of experiencing this ease?

It is very common for us to lose touch with ease. To be held down or anchored down in rules, regulation, and expectation.

But what is it like to breathe ease? To live ease? To move in ease? To speak in ease? Can you discover this for yourself? Can you experiment? Can you try EASE on?

For some of you, this is challenging. For some of you, you may not even know what ease feels like because you do not allow yourself to experience ease. It is available to you, but you must allow yourself to receive ease.

Many of you resist ease.

Because is something is EASEful, then you feel that you may not deserve it or you feel as if it will end soon and you cannot enjoy it, or you feel that it is too easy and that a challenge is what is required for life to be fulfilling or passionate.

But this is not true, Dear Ones.

Life can be fulfilling and passionate within ease. Life can fully self expressed with ease. This does not mean that your choices will not still require a degree of contemplation. And this does not mean that there will not be edges to find yourself against.

But what it does mean is that you discover for yourself the spaces in which you resist ease. The spaces in which you choose to create DISease.

Where do you choose to create a challenge for yourself where there is not a challenge. Where do you choose to silence yourself and suffer rather than communicate. Where do you choose to abandon your needs or your hearts desires, rather than follow it’s message or to fulfill on your needs.

The reasons that we do this are varied, but we ask you to look at where you are not allowing yourself to receive ease in your life.

Living a life of ease can look any way you want it to look. It can be quiet, or it can be quite loud. It can subtle or it can be dramatic. It can be still or it can be in movement. It can small or it can big.

Ease offers you the opportunity of presence. And presence offers you the opportunity of ease. To see where there is an obstacle in receiving ease is where the work must be done.

Where do you shut it down. As if it is a faucet flowing with water. Perhaps the water begins to overflow in your cup… and you say, whoa, whoa, whoa this is getting messy. Let’s turn this faucet off.

Instead of allowing a greater capacity for this flow, instead of broadening your container for abundance and for reception of ease.

Where do you stop it? Where do you shut it off? Where do you get uncomfortable with ease.

This is what we would like for you to examine or to look at this week.

Thank you for this opportunity to share this message with you. This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.

Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
September 30, 2022

Yvonne Constancio