Grounding From The Heart: 9D Arcturian Council:
This week we see the word grounding. And often times when Humans hear the word grounding, they feel that this means that they must sit still and connect with some type of anchoring in their lower body or making contact with the earth itself. And while this is quite beneficial, we would like to offer a new perspective on grounding today.
And this perspective may difficult to comprehend, however we would like to offer it anyway. Have you ever considered a grounding that comes from the heart space? We know that many of you have perhaps experienced a grounding of the heart space but were not aware of it.
When you place your hand on your heart, and make contact with your breath, and perhaps make contact with the heartbeat or the electromagnetic frequency emitting from your heart space… This is a type of grounding and dare we say, this is the most important type of grounding. There is a charge here that offers you a clarity and a safety that expands all space and time. We know that we often speak of the heart space, but it is a topic that must be repeated over and over again. The heart space is the key to your futures, my Dear ones.
When you make contact with your heart space, you are making contact with the consciousness and the breath of God. When you make contact with this, this opens you to the experience of the infinite aliveness within you. Now this may sound like this would cause you to feel floaty, “infinite aliveness…” how do I ground within this type of energy? But Dear ones, the energy of this space is quite the opposite. The energy of this space brings you into Oneness with all that exists.
This energy brings you into a stillness in which you merge with all that exists.
And when you realize or able to experience or recognize within you all that exists… well, this suddenly brings you to a place of safety, a place of sure footing, a place where no matter what tries to sway you, knock you down, roll you over, blow you away, crush you… well, it simply is not possible from this space. You are truly anchored into the oneness.
So, yes, while sitting and visualizing yourself perhaps growing roots into the earth, perhaps visualizing an anchor in your lower body, perhaps bringing your feet to the dirt… while this is a beautiful way to ground the physical body… the trueness of the soul resides in the heart space.
And by grounding from here, you will begin to experience the expansion of your consciousness, thereby the connection and the infiniteness that resides within you and to our Prime Creator.
This is all we have to share today, thank you for inviting us in. Thank you again for providing a space for communication with those who listen to these messages.
There is an acceleration of movement and expansion on the earth plane at this time. And each one of you are a contribution to this expansion.
Thank you Dear ones,
This has been the 9D Arctuiran Council
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
June 2, 2022