Ride The Spiral: 9D Arcturian Council
There are a multitude of emotions running high right now as we look upon those of you who will be listening to this message today. We would like to remind you that emotions are not a negative thing.
In fact, emotions are what drive human evolution, human drive, human motivation, and human growth spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. And when you feel as if you are in a spiral of emotions, let’s say… well, there are two ways to see this spiral. And we would like to remind you that spiral is a natural flow state that occurs in all dimensions.
If you would please picture a spiral or tornadic state or perhaps a toilet flushing water - and it’s draining down into one point or direction. You might imagine that this could be your emotional state or state of growth. Now the word draining could imply that something is getting flushed or lost.
And this spiral itself could feel unsteady. The action of being within this movement might feel unsettling. It may feel out of control and that you do not have the capacity to stop this particular state of spiraling. But what we would like to say here is that within this state of spiraling, which is always occurring on a multitude of levels as we said earlier...
What may appear as chaos or out of control is actually operating within order. And what may seem draining or clearing you out is actually bringing you into a new space. So, once you reach the bottom of this drain or this spiral - you will notice that sometimes it does feel that you have hit some sort of a dark space perhaps, or a space of neutrality, or an opening or a space in which you can now create newly because you have now released something, you have flushed something, you have detoxed something,… and so what’s left here is perhaps a space where anything can now be created.
Which then brings us to the top of this spiral… the top of this funnel… the top of this tornadic activity, so to speak. In which there is now more energy for creation. You’re at the top where there is more space, yes? There is movement that is larger than at the bottom.
And perhaps, it moves just a bit slower in order for you to see all the possibilities available to you here in this space, in this energy field of new creation. And you pop into this energy field and you create and you create and you create, and you experiment, and you explore and you express, and you build and you design, and you share and slowly as you come down this spiral as it gets smaller and smaller, perhaps the energy begins to quicken.
The energy begins to complete the cycle.
Perhaps at the very end, it is spinning so quickly that it feels like the height of its disorder - at the height of its destruction even - at the height of its impact… and then as we come through it to the other side, we find stillness, peace and a space to integrate and learn what we have experienced.
And so, what we’re seeing now is that many of you are in different phases of this spiral experience. And we ask you to ride the experience.
Wherever you are and whatever phase of this experience you are in - ride it with full presence. This ride can feel as if it is a difficult or challenging spiral and it can also feel like the exhilaration of a new creation.
Whatever it is that you are experiencing right now, allow it to complete itself and allow yourself to fall into the space of integration, the space of release that allows you to land in the possibility for new creation.
New Being.
This spiral experience happens over and over and over again in all of our lifetlimes. It is a natural process.
Thank you for your time today, thank you to those of you who are listening to this message.
May you have a beautiful day.
This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
July 28, 2022