Purity of Self: 9D Arcturian Council
Hello, this is the 9D Arcturian Council and we are here today to offer you guidance and insight to ease your minds and your hearts during this expansive time. Often times with expansion there can be fear that creeps up, doubts and insecurities. And this is part of the process and we would like you to know that - as we told yvonne in her personal message just now - that every single one of you is in a process of expansion, and as we’ve mentioned before… a process of expansion is not complete without the moments of contraction.
Every single one of you is contributing to a greater cause on the planet. And in order to contribute in a pure and expansive way, you must move through the contracted states in which you are healing yourselves, in which you are looking at those parts of you that are difficult or challenging to bring to the light. Once brought up to the surface, to see and feel and acknowledge, you can release them into the light to be healed. To be released from your soul, to be released from your body tissues. To be released from your patterns and narratives.
This may sound difficult to do and yes, it is difficult to do, because we as humans, in human form want to hold onto patterns that help us feel comfortable or help us cope with our wounds… with our traumas as you say on the Earth.plane. But each time, each tiny step you make towards feeling and releasing these wounds… is a new layer of purity that allows you to show up in the world with more expansive capacity to hold others as well as yourself.
And so, one of the things that we would like to remind you of - is that you may feel that you are deep inside a darkness when you are in the midst of this healing… and as difficult as it is to hear this… the depth of that darkness is equal to the height of the light that you will reach in the healing, in thee releases, in the purity of what is coming before you… in the purity of who you are and the expansion of this healing.
And you are not the only one being challenged or battling, so to speak a healing. Each one of you is going through incredible shifts. Brave shifts. Each one of you is going through these waves of expansion and contraction. And so when one of you is going through a state of contraction, you can be held by the one that is in the state of expansion. And when you are in the state of expansion, you will then be able to hold the one that is n the state of contraction. This is how we love one another. And you may find that these waves meet up at just the right time for one another.
So, have no doubts, or insecurities or fears around your challenging moments, Simply allow yourself to move through them in the best way that you know how… in the way that feels right for you… in the way that is speaking to you.
Whether that be through the sun shining through a blade of grass or a bird singing in a tree, or the movement of healing waters on your toes, or the voice of a loved one speaking words that you need ho hear in that moment, or the containment of your own arms hugging you.
Be open to the healing and support that is being offered all around you. Be open, vulnerable and honest. Be open about who and where you are in every moment. And this will lead you to the purity of Self. Purity of your soul that then offers the opportunity and possibility to heal the planet and to contribute in a way that fulfills on your purpose here.
Thank you for the work that you are doing. We acknowledge you for your courage.
This has been the 9D Arctruian Council
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio April 20, 2022