A Transformation of Our Design: 9D Arcturian Council
Support is the word that comes up right now. And what we mean by this is that there needs to be a surrendering of oneself in order to allow for support at this time. This is another energetic portal at this time, especially in this month of April, where we are feeling a bit overwhelmed with the transitions and transformations occurring within us.
And so in order for us to continue to move through these transformations, we need to be able to ask for support and we need to be able to remember and recognize that we are not alone in our transformation. That each of us is undergoing very incredible design transformations. And what we mean by design is that things that you are designed to do and be in this world are opening themselves to you and it doesn’t always look the way that you want it to look.
It may be challenging at times. It may feel that you’re not getting anywhere or that changes are not being held or anchored into you. That you fall from grace. And that at times, you feel lost again. And Dear ones, we want to remind you that this is simply a cycle that is growth. Growth carries with it a fall from grace from time to time and then a cycle of upliftment and clarity. And then the cycle of falling again. And so for you to be in this cycle, is quite normal and nothing to feel shame about and nothing to feel as if you are failing at anything.
This is not the case. In fact you are absolutely fulfilling on a purpose in which you are continually expanding yourselves to grow more into who you are and into the design and into the potential of your design and when these cycles occur - each time, you are fulfilling and expanding more into the the purpose and the design of which you came here to fulfill.
So know that in the challenging times, as well as in the times when you feel uplifted… support is always of utmost importance. So reach out to those who you know can and want to support you. Who can and want to love you. In the manner that is supportive of your growth.
Whether that be asking somebody for help at work, asking somebody for help with your family or your children., asking for help financially, asking for help creatively in projects or endeavors that you want to complete, asking for help in guidance around health and well-being.
Reach out for support at this time. Because this is one of the lessons that is coming through at this time and that is that we are not alone and we are not separate from one another. In fact, when you ask for support and you seek out the hand of another - you join forces in an energetic bond that creates an expansion for both of you. And not just for both of you… that energetic expansion then ripples out to everyone you come in contact with.
The energy of support, the energy of love, the energy of building community. That is the great transformation occurring right now. Building of community through love, compassion and kindness. That creates a new world where everyone feels seen, needed, wanted, inspired and in fulfilling of their unique designed purpose. Where that is allowed to flourish and thrive under the support of others.
So, yes, support is the main word and energy that we would like to remind you of this month. Allow yourself to be supported. Allow yourself to feel secure in the support that others would like to offer you. Without guilt, without shame, without feeling it needs to be repaid - for this will occur naturally…. That when the time comes, you will be able to support them.
Thank you for this time to communicate with you. Thank you Dear ones for listening and we hope that this has been of benefit for you.
May you have a beautiful rest of your day. This has been the 9D Arcturian Council.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio April 9, 2022