Balance: 9D Arcturian Council
This is the word that we see today. Many of you are playing with this word. Balance. Playing with the experience of balance.
The last couple of years has given you an opportunity to look at your lives and see where there may have been an imbalance. Whether that be in relationship, work or play, health, wellness. How has balance or imbalance impacted your life. How has it impacted your health? How has it impacted your thoughts?
How has it impacted your breath and your self expression?
What we’re seeing now is that there is a desire to find balance in all areas of your life. To find balance in giving to others and to give to yourselves. To find balance in loving others and loving yourself. To find balance in work and rest. And the importance of both.
You see, work has often been labeled as something that should be laborious. Work is something that requires energy. Work requires that you are pushing forward. Work is demanding.
But the truth is dear ones, that if you found balance between work and rest…. you would find access to the idea that with rest comes the opening of clarity to what you are here for and what you are meant to be contributing to the planet and the community.
And with rest, you find that your nervous system is balanced. That you are being fed in ways that impact your health emotionally, physically and spiritually. And when all these things are in balance, when you are in tune, when you are given the opportunity to be with yourself and with source… in whatever way you choose. The seed within your heart gets watered and it begins to sprout and you begin to hear the message and you begin to be guided into the right direction in which your work no longer becomes demanding or arduous.
It’s simply another form of play and exploration. And it becomes so rewarding that you cannot even imagine not doing it. You look forward to doing it. You look forward to the rewards of your contribution and the seeds that you ;plant in your community.
This then brings balance to your relationships, because the nervous system is not dysfunctional. It is functioning in a way that has you be fully self expressed. And when you are fully self expressed, you give access for others to be fully self expressed as well. To feel safe with you. To feel safe to be themselves. To feel safe to share.
And when someone feels safe to be who they are, well then that gives them access to present and grow their own seeds. The seeds of their own hearts. And then you can see how this cycle contributes to the community and planet. Helping us all create sometime beautiful, something new, something that offers balance for us all.
So, explore balance. We know you are desiring it at this time. Have the courage to make the choice towards balance without fear of what you might look like to others, without feeling selfish. You are providing the opportunity for others to follow, to see that this can be done.
And that through doing this, we create a lighter world. We create an existence of freedom beyond time and space. And what we know in this 3rd dimensional world at this time. We move into new dimensions.
But we must give ourselves the permission to do so, thereby giving the permission for others to do so as well.
Thank you got he opportunity to share this message. May you be well.
Channeled by Yvonne Constancio
February 18, 2022